Do I Need a Mold Inspection Before Remediation?

is a mold inspection necessary -- man writing on clipboard during mold testing in brockton

Do I Need a Mold Inspection Before Remediation?

We understand that when someone finds mold in their home or business, they want it gone right away. That’s why when people call Pure Maintenance NE for mold remediation, they’re surprised when we suggest conducting a thorough mold inspection first. Why is a mold inspection necessary, they ask? Here’s what we tell them. 

Why is a mold inspection necessary if I can already see mold? 

Visible mold on ceilings or around windows definitely lets you know there’s a problem. However, the mold you see may not be the whole story. 

Sometimes mold is not visible to the naked eye. For example, mold can live:

  • Underneath carpeting
  • Inside walls and pipes
  • Beneath water-using appliances like refrigerators and dishwashers
  • Under kitchen or bathroom sinks 
  • Inside cabinets
  • Inside HVAC ducts

If you do not regularly check these types of areas for mold, you may not know mold is in your home. A comprehensive mold inspection thoroughly examines a house or office building for all signs of mold, whether it’s visible or not. 

What does a mold inspector do? 

A certified mold inspector receives specialized training to look and test for mold. They are familiar with all types of mold and understand where it can lurk unseen. During a mold inspection, the inspector first conducts a visual examination of your home or business. That includes all areas, both inside and outside, from top to bottom. 

A mold inspector also looks for potential problems that might lead to mold growth now or in the future, such as: 

  • Leaky pipes
  • Standing water
  • Window condensation
  • Areas with excessive humidity or moisture

The mold inspector takes samples of any mold they find to test it and find out exactly what type of mold you’re dealing with. For example, black mold can be dangerous to the health of everyone living or working in the building, so it’s important to know when hazardous mold is present. The inspector also conducts air quality tests of the home or workspace. This allows them to check for airborne mold spores, which helps them find any hidden mold. 

After the mold inspection is complete, the inspector provides you with a detailed analysis of the results. Depending on their findings, they’ll offer an expert’s recommendations for removing mold from your home or business. 

Certified Mold Inspectors in Massachusetts

If you find mold in your home or business, or suspect you have mold because of a bad smell or mold allergy symptoms, you should call a certified mold inspector right away. The only way to find all the mold in your home or office and determine whether or not it’s dangerous is through a comprehensive mold inspection. This allows you to collect all the information you need to formulate a mold remediation plan.   

If you need comprehensive mold testing services, call Pure Maintenance NE today at 401-205-3825. With our expert inspections and remediation, you’ll be able to deal with the problem swiftly and completely.

Photo by RODNAE Productions on

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