Is a Mold Allergy Causing My Skin Rash?

mold rash -- woman scratching her arm

Is a Mold Allergy Causing My Skin Rash?

Mold allergies are a very real health concern. Usually, people who are allergic to mold experience symptoms they would have with seasonal allergies. These symptoms include a stuffy and/or runny nose, cough, and headache. However, people can also have an external allergic reaction to mold, and get a mold allergy rash or hives from mold exposure. 

What is a mold allergy rash? 

Mold rash is basically an allergic reaction to mold on the skin. In people who are sensitive to mold, exposure often causes the immune system to go into overdrive. When that happens, they develop mold allergy symptoms such as a cough, runny nose, or irritated eyes. They might also get a rash or hives from mold.

With a mold allergy rash, the symptoms of mold sensitivity appear on the outside of the body. Any type of mold can cause a mold rash, including toxic black mold. Signs of toxic mold rash include: 

  • Itchiness
  • Skin that is very dry and/or scaly
  • Skin that feels raw or very sensitive
  • Hives—pink or red bumps or blotches on the skin
  • Raised bumps or blisters

Since these skin irritations can also be signs of other conditions, a doctor may not be able to tell by looking whether or not mold exposure is causing the rash or hives. They will need to perform a skin prick test or blood tests to confirm a mold allergy diagnosis. 

How do you treat hives from mold?

As itchiness is a common symptom of rashes and hives from mold, if a person scratches too hard they can cause the skin to bleed and possibly become infected. Infections can cause additional pain and swelling plus a fever, requiring antibiotic medication. 

Treatments for mold allergy rash include: 

  • Over-the-counter antihistamines such as Benadryl can treat skin irritations such as rashes and hives.
  • Certain moisturizers will calm itchy, dry skin. 
  • Applying a cold compress to hives or a rash helps relieve irritated skin.
  • Prescription cortisone cream can reduce itchiness and redness.

Prevent Toxic Mold Rash in Brockton

No one wants to live with constantly itchy skin or red, angry hives all over their body. The only way to truly get rid of mold allergy rash is to remove mold from your home for good! The mold remediation specialists at Pure Maintenance NE can efficiently remove all traces of mold from your home, providing total relief from mold allergy rash along with peace of mind. Call us today at 401-205-3825 to schedule a free mold inspection

Photo courtesy nastya_gepp on Pixabay

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