Problems With DIY Mold Removal

A homeowner tries DIY mold removal and disinfection in Brockton, MA

Problems With DIY Mold Removal

So you’ve noticed some mold growing on your property. Maybe it isn’t too much — just a little bit of spotting in the bathroom. You might think you can grab a couple of household cleaners and wipe the mold with a sponge or rag to eliminate it. Unfortunately, it’s not that easy. In this article, our team at Pure Maintenance NE wants to explain to homeowners and businesses in Massachusetts and Rhode Island the problems and challenges with DIY mold removal. Keep reading to learn more. 

The mold isn’t fully eliminated with DIY mold removal

Even the best DIY mold techniques can’t eliminate all of the mold. It can remove the mold at the surface, making your surfaces visually appealing. But lurking beneath are additional mold spores, and within a few weeks, the mold is back. 

You don’t know the source

You can’t completely eliminate mold without knowing the exact source. No amount of DIY cleaning will help if the source of the issue isn’t fixed. Pure Maintenance NE will find the source, fix the problem, and eliminate all mold on your property.

It can impact your air quality

Because you don’t know the exact source of the mold infestation without professional help, it could be located in your HVAC system. If that is the case, the mold could be impacting your air quality. Our local technicians can perform air testing during the mold inspection process. 

Some household cleaners are dangerous

Spraying chemicals throughout your home can be harmful to your eyes, lungs, and skin. Most people don’t have the correct protective equipment to mitigate the risks of using chemicals. Furthermore, using multiple household cleaners can combine to make toxic and dangerous fumes.

The problem with bleach

When people spot mold on their property, they often reach for bleach. Why? Because bleach is a strong and harsh chemical

Unfortunately, bleach is a bad choice. It “bleaches” the color of the mold, but it doesn’t actually kill it. Furthermore, bleach is unsafe to use on many materials. It can degrade wood, fabric, drywall, and concrete.

Also, bleach mixed with any other household cleaner creates a dangerous concoction. It can make toxic fumes that make your family sick or worse.

Why is professional mold removal the better choice?

Professional mold removal is the best choice because our local technicians have the training and experience needed to remove mold at its source. We know the mold strains that are most likely to grow in the Massachusetts and Rhode Island areas and have the tools and equipment to do the job right the first time. 

At Pure Maintenance NE, we use innovative dry fog technology for mold removal. The vapors destroy mold at its source. Best of all, we don’t have to remove anything from your room during dry fog services. As the name suggests, dry fog doesn’t create a wet or sticky film on surfaces, so you don’t have to worry about furniture or art in your home being damaged.

Many home and business owners worry about calling professional mold removal companies because they think there will be significant damage involved. Fortunately, with Pure Maintenance NE, that isn’t the case. The particles in dry fog are so small that they can enter every crack and crevice to destroy mold at its source. Therefore, we won’t need to tear down any walls, floors, or ceilings. 

Plus, dry fog technology is completely safe for your pets and family. The non-toxic formula is EPA-registered, so you can rest assured no toxic chemicals will be used within your home or business. 

Don’t try to eliminate mold on your own. It’s not worth the risk. Instead, contact our team at Pure Maintenance NE. We provide mold removal services in Massachusetts and Rhode Island. Call our office today or schedule your appointment using this website.

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